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Join the Beta Program

If you run a coaching or training business, then you can apply to join our Beta Program running throughout Q1 2024!

Read on to understand how it works, what's involved, and what you get by being part of the program.

What is a Beta Program?

A Beta Program (or closed Beta) is a carefully timed and planned project whereby selected users are provided with early access to a yet-to-be-publically released software platform in return for feedback.

The goal is for the feedback to provide valuable insights into user opinions and behavior and to further improve the development roadmap and the company's go-to-market strategy.  

Feedback can be gathered through surveys, in-platform questionnaires, focus groups, or phone calls. 

Beta programs can be free or paid depending on the development stage of the platform. As Observic is in the late stage (with a wide release due Q2 2024) this is a paid program with only the running costs needing to be covered by participants. 

The process.

After applying, you may be selected to have a quick video call with one of our co-founders to discuss the platform in more detail, your possible use case and to get your overall impressions of it. 

You will be contacted via email, telephone, or both. 

In this call, you will be told if you meet the criteria to take part in the program. 

If selected an account will be created with you in this call and login details will be provided via the welcome email. You will also be told (based on the information you provided) how much the monthly fee will be. 

An onboarding call will then be arranged with you or an appointed individual within your business. This is to finalise account setup and advise on best practices with Observic. 

Applications are open from October 2023 to February 2024. The program runs throughout Q1 2024, meaning that some may be on the program for the full quarter, while others may join later in the program. 

Regardless, the Beta program will end for everyone on April 1st, 2024 at 12:00 AM BST.

What you get.

As a participant in the program, you get a few things:

  1. Early access to the Observic platform

  2. Full setup, onboarding, and training provided 100% free

  3. Early access to the Evaluation-as-a-Service offering (known as Observic+)

  4. 25 Observic+ credits

  5. A dedicated account manager

  6. Assistance with the setup of a new Alumni revenue stream

  7. Invitation and access to the Beta program Slack community (to appointed individuals in your organisation) 

  8. Exclusive early access to the feature suggestion and voting tool

  9. An exclusive 10% referral fee agreement at full launch

  10. Priority information regarding the future Forms Marketplace (more info will be available in Q2 2024)

  11. Lifetime discount at full launch

What we need from you.

All we ask for is the following:

  1. You and your organisation use Observic as much as possible

  2. Take part in monthly surveys/questionnaires

  3. Take part in a video call feedback session at least once throughout the program

  4. Cover the running costs of the account (quoted at the assessment stage based on your team size)


Will this take up a lot of my time?

No, absolutely not! 

The initial screening call should take no longer than 15-20 minutes. 

The onboarding call is no longer than 30 minutes. (We do most of the work for you!)

Feedback surveys/questionnaires should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete each month.

Video feedback sessions can be attended by anyone in the team and will be given a time limit of 1 hour with not everyone in the program being required to attend one. 


Is it free?

No. But, you will be asked to pay for the running costs of your account only.


What if I use my 25 Observic+ credits? Can I buy more?

This is the only possible additional cost of being part of the program.

If you choose to continue to use the Observic+ service after you have used all your free credits then this is added to your monthly invoice based on usage at the discounted rate of £10 per review. 

What happens if I don't like the platform or it's not useful at all? 

You can exit the program at any time. 

How does the invoicing work?

You will be asked to pay for your first month upfront or you can choose to pay for the whole program duration for a small discount. Any Observic+ usage will be invoiced separately at the end of each month. 

Can we keep using it after the program?

Yes, absolutely! We will provide you with the new monthly price (including your well-earned lifetime discount) and set up a subscription. Pricing TBC. 

If you have further questions please either use the help chat in the bottom right or email

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